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Our Vision.

Our vision for children's learning is based on the principles of the EYLF of belonging which is central to being and becoming as it shapes who children are and who they can become. Being recognises the significance of the present and children being in the here and now. Becoming emphasises the collaboration of educators, families the community and children to support and enhance their connection and capabilities to actively participate in their society. "EYLF-V2.0 2023"

Early Years Learning Framework.

Peakurst Early Learning Centre reflects the elements of the Early Years Learning Framework and integrates the connection of the Vision , Principles, Practices and Learning Outcomes that centre on the childrens learning, development and wellbeing. Our practices are based on the National Law Act, The National Regulations and work within the National Quality Standards and implementation of our Quality Improvement Plan.

Our Program.

Our program includes the following 5 Learning Outcomes

• Children have a strong sense of Identity
• Children are connected with and contribute to their world
• Children have a strong sense of wellbeing
• Children are confident and involved learners
• Children are effective communicators

It is inclusive and offers choice and a sense of agency with a balance of intentional learning experiences, spontaneous learning, music,  movement, small group times, multicultural and indigenous learning, The Munch and Move program, STEAM learning experiences, sustainable practices, learning about the environment and nature, good health, nutrition and wellbeing. Our program is developed in consultation with children, families and the community and is shared through our digital application called Storypark.

Transition to School Program.

At Peakhurst Early Learning Centre we have developed a transition to school program which begins as soon as your child walks through the front door. All children in the Alkira room will be involved in this learning journey. While all children develop at different rates, some basic skills need to be developed before starting school. Key factors to beginning school as identified by the Department of Education, Principals, and Teachers include:

Critical Thinking/Problem solving
Problem-solving is the capacity to think through and resolve situations where an answer may not be obvious. Critical thinking means figuring out how to solve a problem and make a decision, it requires open-mindedness and thinking about others' points of view.

Independent Learning/Agency
Children who have confidence in their ability to learn will be more motivated to obtain their learning goals. Supporting critical thinking and problem-solving skills is likely to enhance a child's belief in their abilities.

Creativity is a way of thinking, acting or making that is original.

Resilience is being able to bounce back from stress, challenge, tragedy, trauma, or adversity. When children are resilient, they are braver, more curious, and more adaptable. These factors are important factors that we have been working with the children in our program along with small group goals, projects and individual goals. This will be supported with our Transition to School Guide which is handed out to all families with a child going to school the following year.

Extra Curricular Activities.

At Peakhurst Early Learning Centre we are always looking for new learning experiences. Each year we offer a range of extra curricular activities to enrich the childrens learning.

These include:

• Excursions to our local park reserve, school, library and shops


• External programs which are run at the centre such as Hey Dee Ho music & movement, Soccajoeys, Early Movers Academy, Ready Steady Go Kids,

• Incursions include Australian Reptiles, Farm animals, dinosaurs, Nutrition Magician, science learning, puppet shows and many more

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